Pins for Pits presented by Sioux Empire Pit Rescue

Oct 23
Saturday, October 23 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Sioux Empire Pit Rescue's Annual Pins for Pits returns! Spend an afternoon with friends and family and knock down some Pins for Pits!

Join us at Sport Bowl in Sioux Falls on Saturday, October 23, 2021. Choose your time slot (2pm or 4pm) and build a team of 4 or we can help you create a team when you arrive!

Check In - 2:00-2:30p
Bowling - 2:30-3:30p
Prizes - 3:30-4:00p

Session 2:
Check In - 4:00-4:30p
Bowling - 4:30-5:30p
Prizes - 5:30-6:00p

Registration is $25/ bowler and includes shoe rental, food, and a chance to win some great prizes.

PRESALE IS GOING ON NOW UNTIL SEPTEMBER 1. Register before then to get $5 off each bowler!

Prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams per session.

Proceeds from this fundraiser to our Community Outreach Program. At SEPR, we believe in responsible pet ownership. Part of that is controlling the pet population, as hundreds of thousands of unwanted animals end up at shelters annually. Teaming up with community partners, we are able to help provide families with free basic veterinary care for their beloved pit bulls! Check out our Facebook Page.

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