Buckets N Boards
This comedy percussion show is a hilarious, high-energy, and interactive performance that has captivated audiences of all ages worldwide. Gareth Sever and Matt Levingston bring a joyous charm and lightning quick wit to this full stage production. Buckets N Boards was born from Matt and Gareth’s shared passion for comedy, music and rhythm. Both are college graduates with theater and comedy backgrounds, and Gareth has been teaching tap and instruments for 20 years as well as being a vocal coach. bucketsnboards.com
Schedule for the morning includes:
10:00am Lawn Opens with Community Partner Activities
10:25am Yoga Warm-Up with Sanford FIT
10:30am Buckets N Boards performance – show length is 45 minutes – 1 hour
Featured Community Activity Partners: Therapy Dogs International
Thank you to our concert sponsor The Jones Building, our Family genre sponsor Therapy Dogs International, and our season-wide sponsor Sanford Health.
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